Becoming a make-up master is not so easy: you need to take special make-up courses, practice a lot and explore the chosen field. Makeup can be useful in theatrical productions, photo shoots, movies and other creative projects.
The art of make-up is very diverse and multifaceted, but classically two of its variants are distinguished: picturesque and voluminous. In the first case, only paints are used to create textures and volume, and in the second, all kinds of three-dimensional elements such as overlays, applications, artificial leather and hair, papier-mâché, and so on. The latter type is also called plastic.
Makeup, for example, theatrical, can be done using a variety of means, including improvised ones. If you want to create a full-fledged work of art on the face of the model, then be prepared to stock up on the following materials:
1. Foundation. These are all kinds of foundations and bases, powder, means for masking imperfections, proofreaders and the like. It is important that the products are of high quality, tightly covering and sufficiently elastic. Working with this material is mandatory and makes up about 50% of the total set of tools. It is the color of the skin that determines how old a person is, where he comes from and what nationality he belongs to.
2. Decorative paints. These include other beauty products like lipstick, blush, glitter, eye shadow, mascara, eyeliner, and everything else. Quality is very important, because our task is to create such makeup that will not leak after a few hours, but will last throughout the day. Saving is not recommended at this stage.
3. Materials for special effects. The most complex tools that can create the most incredible compositions on the face. With the help of professional make-up materials, we imitate scars and cuts, burns and blood, age and national characteristics. For all these purposes, silicone, latex, cotton wool, masking pastes, alcohol-based paints and much more are used.
Since the task of makeup is to look as neat and natural as possible on human skin, this work is painstaking and delicate. To apply all the materials, you will need many different tools: not only the obvious brushes, but also sponges, tweezers, paws, etc. Fixation of additional details is carried out with the help of an indispensable assistant of any make-up artist - surgical glue.
Before starting work, you need to carefully inspect the model and make sure that there are no damages or irritations. All accessories for work must be cleaned and disinfected after each client, including the hands of the master. Make-up is also removed with special tools: often these are plastic, wooden or bone makeup knives.
Makeup is a complex but very interesting art, which can be easily mastered with the help of special training. The main advice is to practice and experiment more, then the result will meet all expectations!